Après Bike

Bar Saltos in Selva

In the summer season, Bar Saltos transforms into an authentic paradise for mountain bike enthusiasts and two-wheel lovers. Here, evenings become a special time to end the day with fun while sharing ideas and experiences with other enthusiastic cyclists.

This summer gathering is much more than just a bar; it's a meeting point for all those who love exploring dirt roads and mountain trails on two wheels. Here, you can share your passion for cycling, discover new routes, exchange tips and adventure stories, and make new friendships with people who share your same passion.

Evenings at Bar Saltos during the warm season are a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a lively and convivial atmosphere, enjoying good music, refreshing drinks, and tasty snacks after a day of adventurous rides. There's no better place to conclude a day of mountain biking and make new connections with fellow two-wheel enthusiasts while enjoying breathtaking sunsets that add an extra dimension of beauty to your experience. So, if you're looking for a cozy and stimulating place to end your cycling adventures, Bar Saltos is the perfect choice.

Exclusive for our guests: 10% discount on all purchases. More information at www.barsaltos.com.